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Thai Red Coconut Chicken Curry

Sometimes you just need to have your girlfriends over, drink some wine and eat Thai Red Coconut Chicken Curry! Well, that’s exactly what we did this last Saturday evening. Boys were out, girls stayed in and the delightful banter went on longer than expected. The ladies arrived and the sweet aroma of coconut curry wafted…

Kelp and Chicken Stir-fry

Kelp and Chicken Stir fry

  While the cat’s away, the mouse will spend more time in the kitchen coming up with creative concoctions! I’m sure that’s how the saying goes… So my husband was out of town for the night and when I got home I had an umami craving! I think I crave these flavors when I’m alone,…

Cold remedies

8 ways to stop a cold in it’s tracks

I used to feel a cold coming on and just resign to the fact that I was going to be sick. Like, oh well, this happens to everyone at least twice a year so it’s just my turn. It was only when I started training for a half ironman that getting sick was just NOT…


Wellness Walk – disconnect to reconnect!

Yesterday afternoon I was feeling quite worn down after a very busy week and a go-go Saturday morning. So I decided to take a nap on the couch and I woke up with an urge to walk. Now I would typically go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for a few reasons. 1)…


Weekly Meal Prep Made Simple

The key to healthy eating, is being mentally prepared and then physically equipped. First plan what you want your meals to be. Then make sure you have a well stocked fridge to start your meal prep. Breakfasts and dinners are usually quite easy to prepare, but it’s lunches that need some Sunday attention to get…


Asian Chicken Salad – a lunch that is easy and tasty!

How appropriate that I am currently crunching on this Asian chicken salad while writing this post. I have this pretty much everyday for lunch. During my Sunday meal prep I cook up a whole batch of chicken to last the week and then just add it to my salads. Lately I have also been prepping…


7 ways I’m reducing stress

Stress, as we all know, is extremely bad for our health. I can easily become stressed when I clutter my schedule unnecessarily and overwhelm myself with the crazy that is this world. I like order, certainty and structure (perhaps there’s a slight chance I have OCD?). But, this is impossible to attain all the time…

Pumpkin pudding

Roasted Pumpkin Pudding

PUMPKINS PUMPKINS PUMPKINS!! So many pumpkins everywhere! I had to relent and make some sort of pumpkin dish to feel included in the festivities. You will soon learn that most of my cooking/baking is impromptu. I often set out to follow a recipe and then just end up winging it, and if I’m lucky it…


A retreat to Indonesia

Sun, healthy food, exercise and relaxation all packed into one wonderful week of wellness on the islands of Indonesia! I can’t think of a better place or topic to write about for my inaugural post. My husband and I set off for Indonesia with the intention to wind down, reset and rejuvenate our souls. We…